There Are Two Types of Pain: Which Are You Suffering From? (Part 2) Aside from inflammation, there are SO many other reasons you may be experiencing pain. However, these can be lumped into an umbrella of sorts. More commonly, pain originates from the soft tissues. The most common soft tissue structures that generate pain are...Read More
There Are Two Types of Pain: Which Are You Suffering From? (part 1) There are SO many low back conditions. Things like sciatica, scoliosis, facet imbrication, sprains, strains, degeneration, herniated discs, and so on and so on. However, we can really narrow all of these conditions into two types of pain; Inflammatory and Non-Inflammatory. Now,...Read More
Myth #3 of The Three Myths of Low Back Pain: You “Throw Out” Your Back While providing relief for the community I serve at The Wellness Center of Chester County in Exton PA I have taught hundreds of patients every year the strategies they need to achieve long term results in our Signature Wellness Program....Read More
Part 2 of: The Myths About Low Back Pain Myth #2 of The Three Myths of Low Back Pain: Myth that The Current Pain Isn’t Related to Previous Bouts Have you had low back pain a few months ago? Since then it sort of went away, and now your low back seems to be bothering...Read More
Intro to the Myth’s About Low Back Pain. We’ll be getting into the causes of low back pain in the upcoming posts, so make sure you follow us on Facebook and Subscribe for regular updates and news. However, before we get into the causes, I’d like to stress the importance of where our focus NEEDS to...Read More
Pain. It’s a powerful word that creates a strong emotional response and stirs up all sorts of feelings. From sadness to anger and even depression, pain has a significant impact on our mental state of mind. Some of your may be thinking about non-physical pain and saying to yourself, “well of course, I would expect...Read More
STOP Making These 7 Mistakes If you or a loved one is experiencing low back pain I’m sure you’ve tried some of the treatments out there. But for some reason you still have low back pain. It’s frustrating and it seems like there is no long-term solution. So you bounce around from Doctor to Doctor,...Read More
Suffering From Severe Low Back Pain and Neuropathy [The following is a true story of a patient from our office who suffered from Neuropathy. Names have been changed to protect our patient’s privacy.] Meet Stephanie. Stephanie suffers from low back pain and neuropathy. However, she is a typical average middle aged female like any other....Read More
Let’s start off with identifying the PROBLEM With Low Back Pain First of all, over 80% of the population will experience low back pain at some point in their life. OVER 80%! Yet many of those who suffer from low back pain ever experience any long term solutions to their pain problem. If you’re suffering...Read More